Tuesday 27 October 2009

The Future of Monitoring

For some time now I have been participating in usability sessions with Red Gate Software for their product SQL Response. This has been a great chance to shape a commercial application to do what I wanted it to do. I've seen ideas of mine appear in their latest version (ok,ok - other people MAY have had similar thoughts too...)

The team behind the application are now looking to create a new version, and are looking for input from real users, with real monitoring and performance issues. They are going to build the next version of their product to do exactly what users want, so get along to their website at The Future of Monitoring, have a look at what they've done so far and contribute YOUR ideas.

They are even giving away free copies of their new monitoring tool (when it's finished) - all you have to do is submit a design (doesn't have to be anything fancy, they just want ideas), and you'll be entered into the draw.

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