Monday, 12 October 2009

MSc Business Intelligence at Dundee University

Whilst I don't normally like just repeating what others blog about, once in a while you come across something that you just have to share!

Tony Rogerson has blogged about a new MSc in Business Intelligence that Dundee University are hoping to start in January. I say 'hoping' as if no-one registers then it wont be run! Although having spoken to Mark Whitehorn, the organiser, if the amount of interest generated so far is anything to go by, it is a certainity.

Tony doesn't mention it, but the course will run over 2 years for those wanting to complete it part-time via distance learning, and you will be required to attend in person for 2 weeks per year. The content seems to be product-agnostic, teaching the concepts of BI, although there will be some discussion of various technologies and techniques, and the final module will use MDX as the implementation language.

The cost of the course (if you enrol this year, - no guarantees this price will stay) is £1,700 per year, which when compared to the cost of commercially available courses that come in at about £2,000 for 5 days training, is a very good price. I also see the value of an MSc far outweighing the value of any product-specific certification (mentioning no names), but that's just a personal view.

I'm hoping to secure some support from my current employer, and get myself on the course ASAP. Haven't been in formal education for over 15 years, so it might be a bit of a shock to the system.

Anyway don't take my word for it, check out Tony's blog for some more info and get in touch with Mark (email address on Tony's blog)

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